PDF Viewer and Circular Container of Applicative Components
Within the PR - "PROJECT REALISATION" course, I was given the possibility with another student to realize a PDF viewer component and a circular component container for a multi-touch circular table top. The circular container was designed to allow every other component of the application to be nested within it as simply as possible. The nested component had to be stretched and centered in the circle described by the component so it could occupy as much space as given by the tabletop. The circular component provides also a drag gesture allowing a user to share its full screen component with another users located around the table. The nesting system was also thought the the component to delegate it's interface to the container, so its button, input fields and so on could be positioned and resized in the most convenient way for the user. The PDF viewer component is a simple a simple component allowing to show pdf document, zoom in/out, rotate and so on with multi-touch
gestures and providing a page preview list on the side.
gestures and providing a page preview list on the side.
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